Why PB&J Partners

PB&J Partners has over 25 years’ experience in distributions channels. We understand how to leverage manufacturer and distributor programs to deliver the needed products and services on time at a low cost.

PB&J has partnered with hundreds of manufacturers and distributors to provide customers with the supplies they need to keep their production schedules on time.  We work continuously for the customer to find old and even obsolete products to meet customers requests.    We pride ourselves on finding the “yes”, it is usually out there, you just have to dig deep (work) to find it.

PB&J Partners is a premier technology solution provider and value added reseller (VAR). We act as the primary source of technology products for our clients. PB&J also provides service and support nationwide. We partners with hundreds of manufacturers and offers thousands of products.

We strive to understand your business better than our competition. If you need help with a data center move, we can help. If your primary challenge is to source equipment at the best possible price, PB&J can do that do.

Our customers range from Fortune 500 enterprises to SMB. They represent every industry and are headquartered all over the US and Canada.

Our solutions center around the data center, virtualization, cloud, and business continuity. Tell us your challenges and then put us to work to find you a solution!